Whether you’re new to amigurumi, or wanting to up your game with some furry yarn, it can be a challenge to get it right. There are lots of different kinds of fur yarn, and this tutorial will show you how to crochet with yarns similar to Lion Brand Fun Fur, King Cole Faux Fur, James C. Brett Faux Fur, Dale Garn Eco Fur and Du Store Alpakka Fur.

The first thing you need is the yarn you want to use, and a brush used for cats! Yes, cats. Like this one:
When you crochet your amigurumi, you crochet as you normally would as the pattern says, and you will end up with something like this:

After you are done, before or after you have stuffed it, you use the brush to brush the yarn/shape. When you brush the yarn with the cat brush, the fibers of the yarn is pulled apart, and you are left with a soft and fluffy surface.

After you are done, some parts of the amigurumi might need some trimming with a scissor, like I have done for this pattern of Tom the Teddy, trimming the fur around the face so that his eyes pop, and you can see his expression. And now that you know how to crochet with fur yarn, why not give Tom the Teddy a go? You can find the pattern for free here

Crochet and love,